At KER Custom Molders Inc. we offer our very own Plant Ring &
Plant Stake products. These items were designed and built by us and are manufactured solely by us.

Our Plant Rings & Stakes offer a significant savings over comparable
metal or bamboo products. And by selling directly to you we can cut out even more cost. All Plant Ring products
are made of 100% high density polyethylene. Our Plant Stakes are made of 100% polypropylene to offer greater rigidity
and support.
We sell directly to customers from small greenhouses
to garden suppliers. We have customers as local as down the road and as far away as Louisiana and even to
Canada! By having these products designed and manufactured by us and sold directly to you we create a great value for
our customers. If you are interested in purchasing any of our products please fill out the form to the right and
submit it. We will be sure to contact you as soon as possible with pricing, and any further information you might
want. We will gladly send samples upon request.